
Ten down 90 to go

watchme.jpgAll day I use my watch to follow my vertical quest, checking my vertical gain, watching the little number grow all day. And finally when I have reached my 10000 foot mark I can go home. It seems really silly to obsess about a number, a number which in the end means nothing. But in the present it means everything. It means I have maximised my day, that I have enjoyed a lot of powder skiing and that most likely I am quite tired and ready to go home to my family. With a goal like this I realize how ridiculous it is. But if it forces me out and into the mountains, forces me to dig deep and get that extra run in. If it makes me get up at 5.30 and gets me up into the mountains to watch sunrises and sunsets than the goal is worth it.

Scott Dowling and I toured up Macpherson to the summit and skied a similar run to yesterday and then we skinned back up to the summit where conditions had worsened.dowling.jpg Through the white out and down the north face we skied a different run into the womb and home. Great day where I managed to spend most of the day with Scott, with just a few extra runs to make my goal. I am being constantly blown away by the strength of the ski tourers in revelstoke, 8000 foot days happen regularly, progress is happening in the backcountry.

  1. Terry December 12, 2006 at 5:40 pm

    Hi Greg,
    Am curious how you measure the vertical you ski? Is it what you ski down or both climbing and skiing? This may seem like a stupid question but it reminds me of a discussion I overheard last year. Apparently some people add the numbers so if they climb a 5,000 vertical foot run and then ski down it, they tally 10,000 feet.

    Am looking forward to reading more of your blog since pointed me here Lou’s post today.

  2. Drew December 13, 2006 at 12:56 am

    Greg, you are the man! Your quest helps the rest of us find the drive to get up at 4am for a 1K dawn patrol. "Sheez, if Greg can get 10k in before 2pm, I should be able to do at least a lap before being stuck in cubeland…."

  3. Terry December 13, 2006 at 2:26 am

    Hey Greg,

    I see the answer, on your page "The Goal", to the question I posted earlier – "A ten thousand foot day in the backcountry is a large day where lots can be accomplished. Its 10 000 feet of vertical gain and 10 000 feet of descent."

    That’s a LOT of vertical…..and 100 days of it! Quite impressive!

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