
Where in the World did I go?

Writers block perhaps… after a full year of blogging and going hard my creative well dried up. Finally the enthusiasm has trickled back in.

On Dec 31st I pulled in some extra vertical around the ski hill and celebrated with everyone. It was  amazing to see and feel how many people were psyched on my achievement.  It was a great celebration and so rewarding to finally be done. Waking up on the first of January I felt a huge relief, no more goal. No more putting my watch on and thinking about how much vertical to go. I had actually accomplished it. All those challenging moments, those struggles were worth the final tiny number…I now know my physical potential in a year. Never will I try and beat that goal.

I relaxed for a bit and enjoyed some free vertical, touring a little but really feeling drained. A thousand feet appeared huge above me, far away and challenging. But I filmed with reelwater productions and focused on family. Eventually the Trade show in Salt Lake City came and I had a blast. Again the support from so many people on my goal was encouraging. Exciting. hosted a party for me, with support from Arcteryx, Dynafit and Suunto. This party was a huge success with tonnes of people coming. Testimony is that Glen Plake came out and partied.

Then I came home and faced up to something, I have not wanted to face for a long time. Shoulder surgery…. Latarget shoulder surgery. Full human carpentry, with bones being cut, shaped and screwed back on.. I have had a dislocating shoulder injury for 10 years, a climbing injury that led me into ski touring.  But after years of ignoring that weakness it was time to address it.

The Surgery went really well and was done by the best, Dr. Heard. In the photo you can see a fairy bandaid and a spider man; both have extra powers to help me heal.

So I have been healing and dreaming. Plus working on my professional stuff, editing, slideshows… plus hanging with the family.

I finally got my first cover on a magazine, thanks to S-magazine for their coverage.

I will heal now, and work on lots of stuff. And ski again in Norway and Sweden in April, when I head there to do some slide shows.