
busy busy busy

Very busy right now. Guiding/ Kootenay Cold Smoke festival in Nelson, off to Vancouver today, slide show tommorrow, off to Saltspring Island for Thursday night, and then back up to Whitecap Alpine for one more week of guiding and then free from March 8 onwards. It’s been busy for awhile and I feel as if I have not toured for myself in a long time. Last real day was Hat Peak which is over a month ago. Still lots of great skiing with clients and friends but no big adventures. Soon though, March and April are always when lots gets done.


After a frustrating week of issues with my editing software I; (with some help) overcame the obstacles and here it is.


VIMFF Slide Show

Just a head’s up in case anyone is in the area and interested. I am doing a slide show at the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival on FEB 27th.  The slide show is part of the ski evening and will be a casual, yet indepth look into Backcountry skiing. Here is the link


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