Oh yahhh!
Well things were a little stagnant lately and then whammo action time. The best turns of the year were had in the last week. Deep undisturbed powder on the Sapphire glacier, two days in a row.
First ,Wednesday we skied the two climbers right lines in low light conditions, but it didn’t matter since the turns were so deep. Then Thursday we ventured up Castor and along the Jupiter Traverse and down the Thorington route. Epic turns on the glacier before our ridge walk and then ridiculous turns down the Thorington route.
And then yesterday we went on a peak bagging mission. This is a great Tri-factor, Ursus minor, Ursus major and 8812, this is the third time I have done this loop and it has been wicked every time.
Followed by
finished with
Then today we went and skied a line I have been eyeing up for years. It is a wild chute that slashes its way down the North side of Mt-Cheops. Its a chute, onto a face, into a chute and then down the chute, rappel a 150 foot waterfall and ski out. Complex and wild; Aaron and I welcomed the challenge and had some great turns down this line.
more to say but kids need a bath.
Tv Interview
In November I did a very quick little interview for Shaw Television, here it is. I recently did a longer interview for Urban Rush, which will also find its way onto this blog. I feel okay about this performance, a few too many likes for my mother but an overall decent impression.