

Ahh Villarrica volcano, so beautiful yet so harsh. From a distance so much potential but close up so much hardness. I have learned a tonne from this volcano. It has honed my whiteout skiing skills, it has sharpened my ice skiing skills, it has shown me how challenging my goal would be if I was stuck on just one mountain, especially this one. When planning our trip down here I came close to living in Pucon for a month or two, it seemed ideal. Centrally located with volcanoes all around. Luckily for me I only ended up here for two weeks, it is not  a skiers dream, or if it is more of a nightmare than a wet dream.

I have persevered through whatever Villarrica threw at me, and now I am psyched to be heading to Bariloche for the month. I came here with the hope of climbing three volcanoes, which we did and then I just put my head down and punched back. This past week was good for vertical, 8800,6940,11760,5180,13520,7670= 53,870 ft in 6 days. Not too shabby, I need 3 more weeks like that and I will be back on par.

55%  of the way. lots and lots to go!

  1. mike-mariash July 31, 2010 at 12:02 am

    Ah Bariloche, land of chocolate and steep lines through beautiful granite towers. Have you checked out Cerro Plomo 5000m+ acessible from Valle Nevado ski area near Santiago? Keep it up!

  2. Greg July 31, 2010 at 12:23 am

    hey mike,
    I am looking at Cerro plomo in September, that looks amazing. As for Bariloche looks like great weather next week, time to explore and shred. I cannot wait.

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