
The 2 Mill day

It started off as it should, I got to the parking lot first, dilly dallied around till a few girls got ahead.  Passed them and then I broke trail for 2 thousand feet up onto the Bonney moraines.  Although I was super driven I still had to make sure the skin track was decent to follow since I knew many friends and family would be following my track today. By the time I was at the top of the moraines I looked down and I could see lots of people heading up. So I skied down a quick lap and saw quite a few friends. We toured back up to the top..

I chose the Bonney area because it  would be the only place that had absolutely no sun on this -18’C day.. No, I chose it because i knew that lots of people could hike the 3500 feet in and we could all enjoy untracked powder all day.

I pulled in a couple of great laps, did some simple math at the top, 2 000 000-1998500= 1500 ft, skied down 1500 ft and then I hiked back up and met Tracey, my mom, Don, plus some great friends on the top just as my watch was ticking over. I thought I was going to be fine and that this imaginary 2 mill line wasn’t going to be so real. But watching it tick over,  thinking about all the time and effort that has gone into that tiny number, and  all  the fantastic support that my friends and family have given me over this ordeal, it all summed up into me crying at the finish. So much was invested into this silly goal that finally achieving it was overppowering and having Tracey there to witness the final moment, with friends and champagne, it was incredible.

It was such a cold day that we did not want to wait too long at the top so soo enough we all skied down.  Was my 2 Millionth foot turn any better because of all the effort? Perhaps..

But what felt even better was getting to the bottom of the run and putting my skins back on for another lap…. a carefree lap that was simply to do extra. My legs felt light, my pace free and the turns great of course.

A great ten thousand foot day to finish it off. Well kinda finish it off since, today is the 31st and I still have some time and energy to raise the bar a few steps further…

  1. December 31, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS Greg ……..good work!!

  2. treepilot December 31, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Congratulations on the goal. What a year… well 364 days I guess!

    I can only imagine the emotions as it ticked over.

  3. brianharder December 31, 2010 at 4:49 pm


    Very sweet, bro! The coolest thing besides slaying the goal is that you had such a splitter day for the turnover.

    Looking forward to the video.

    Of course, the first question I want answered is, “what now?”


  4. cayles December 31, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    Yeah, Greg! You’ve made some progress since the days of snurfing on the lawn at Old Notch Road. Glad you made it.

  5. Pingback: Greg Hill Successfully Climbs & Skis 2 Million Vertical Feet In 2010 | Point of Release

  6. Sara Noyes December 31, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Congrats Greg – very inspiring! Have a wonderful NY and say hi to the fam. XO Sara

  7. wkwarren December 31, 2010 at 7:32 pm

    Greg, you are truly amazing!! What a fantastic accomplishment! Enthralled by your comments, photos and reports from your Dad and Bets! KUDOS TO YOU, OH AMAZING ONE! We are there in spirit for your celebration with your family and friends tonight.

  8. Pingback: Tweets that mention Congratulations to Greg Hill - #skiing #backcountry. Way to go, Greg! --

  9. Pingback: Inspiring Moments: 5 Ways in Which 2010 Blew My Mind « Lisa Richardson Bylines

  10. wlewisevans December 31, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    Congratulation, Greg.
    All Smith boys should be proud of you. I am.
    Best to your clan… and don’t even think about 3,000,000 in 2011.
    Happy New Year!

  11. Andrew McLean January 1, 2011 at 12:30 am

    DUDE! Congratulations! You are a mad dog.


  12. TomP January 1, 2011 at 12:45 am

    Way to go, Greg! Never had any doubt. Thought you were crazy for doing it! But never had any doubt. It looks, and sounds, like you had an awesome 2mill day. Can’t wait to hear all about the best parts next time we meet up. We’re going to be ringing in the new year and raising our glass to you tonight, bro.

  13. korengles January 1, 2011 at 4:12 am

    Enjoy, you desire it!

  14. Nick January 1, 2011 at 5:40 am

    So awesome! Thanks for all the great stories, inspiration, and motivation. I hope you’re sleeping like a baby tonight. Cheers!

  15. soulskier January 1, 2011 at 5:50 am

    Excellent work Mr Hill! You determination is something to inspire the rest of us mortals. Best of luck to you, Tracey and the family in 2011 and beyond!

  16. CookieMonster January 1, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    What an amazing feat! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your experiences throughout the year. Hope there’s a book in the works.

  17. ameeker January 1, 2011 at 11:40 pm

    Wow! well done Greg, what an accomplishment. What a great time now for you to reflect with your family and relish in your journeys paybacks.

    An inspiration for us all!

    Andy Meeker
    Pilot/Blackcomb Aviation,skier

  18. Pingback: Greg Hill Reaches 2 Million Vertical Feet | The Skiers Realm

  19. January 2, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    Congratulations Greg!
    I live in Pennsylvania and you have been an inspiration to me and my kids. I am moving to BC because of amazing people like you for my kids to learn from!
    Thanks for showing what can be done and how to pursue your dreams.
    Paul Colby

  20. BULLDOZER January 3, 2011 at 12:21 am

    Greg, met you in Chile at Nevados De Chillan hiking the volcano. You gave me a ride hitching back from being lost in the valley too. Thanks for being welcoming in the backcountry and completing such a diligent effort at a worthy goal. Now you can get the goods for the rest of the best powder season on record. Congratulations man, see you in Revelstoke some time. Regards, Bindu Pomeroy

  21. Wes January 3, 2011 at 3:15 am

    Damn, I can’t imagine what it must feel like to achieve such a seemingly impossible goal, congratulations! I have really enjoyed checking your site this last year, thanks for sharing.

  22. Pingback: Greg Hill Reaches 2 Million Vertical Feet // Magazine Nordica

  23. Stephen Koch January 3, 2011 at 5:59 am

    Wow! Congratulations Greg! You and your achievement are damn impressive!

  24. Pingback: Ultimate Adventurer Celebrates Climbing and Skiing 2 Million Feet in 2010 | Up for Adventure

  25. RHSman January 3, 2011 at 8:15 am

    Am so S T O K E D for you to have reached your goal. What an inspiration!

  26. Lou January 3, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    Hi Greg, been in the mountains so much I lost track of when your big day would be. Wasn’t too hard to catch once I got back on the computer over here in Austria, where much of all this began. Congrats and some words over on my old blog:

  27. rocknsnow January 3, 2011 at 6:58 pm

    Awesom Greg – way to end it in such a spectacular spot with your family and friends! We had a great time meeting you and sharing a few hundred vert with you on that super-deep day here in the Wasatch last Jan. “GHed” it all weekend in your honor! 🙂

  28. Pingback: While we Were Away | MEC blog

  29. srophoto January 5, 2011 at 7:12 pm

    Greg, amazing. Time to hit that chairlift…

  30. Arvid-was-here January 21, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    WOW!!! and what a great way to wrap up an EPIC journey; not just a journey of racking up the vertical but a journey of faith and spirit. Kudos to everyone who supported you. Enjoy the feeling that goes with this. Peace and joy to you. Keep playing smart out there …. Arvid was here

  31. Pingback: Ski News Roundup | Ski Tracks

  32. Pingback: Greg Hill Tops Two MillPowder Magazine | Powder Magazine

  33. Pingback: Skiing the Silk Road » 2 Million Feet a Year..

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