Some new lead
Yesterday we toured off RMR (Revelstoke Mountain Resort) and ventured into Kokanee bowl. I had hopes of blue skies and sun, but inevitably we were stuck in the clouds all day. I have never skied in Kokanee bowl so I was interested in checking it out. There are a few nice alpine lines that tear down into this small bowl, and I have always wanted to ski them. As I have mentioned in the past I have an obsession with skiing new lines. Any exploratory adventure gets pencilled in on my maps. So for 9 years I have diligently marked down each and every line I have skied in the Selkirks. I get excited while I am out touring these new lines and usually I can’t wait to get home and pencil them in. Especially if they are great descents.
The North Westerly winds had played havoc with the alpine so our line off Kokanee was not exactly the way I had dreamt. But regardless the exploration was great.
Today we hit a highway shot I have always thought about. Nothing dramatic but a 4000 foot line that is always spotted when driving home from Roger’s Pass. This little line sits above Greely and gives access to a ridge that is full of great features. We sampled a few runs off the east side and then finished off with the four grand to my truck. Today was the first somewhat sunny day in awhile and the mountains looked beautiful.