Rain, rain go away come back another season
Wow did it ever rain today, we headed up for a morning jaunt and barely made it out of the truck since it was raining sideways. It poured all day and finally changed to snow and let up in the evening. I thought I would take the kids skiing but instead we went and tried to poach a hotspring/pool at a hotel. Is tough being inconspicuous with two kids but we went for it. The hotspring would normally cost 28 $ per person and 14 for the kids, so a total of 84$ for the family. Not a realistic price to pay for anyone, especially since it was just for one dip. Anyhow, Tracey was too nervous so Stuart, the kids and I went for it. Funnily enough the pool was cold with barely any hot in it and we ended up freezing, and the kids were shivering and crying afterwards. Somehow we did not get caught but nor did we enjoy it.
Later in the day I headed up to get some more vertical and see what had happened in the mountains. Luckily the rain had changed to snow and I had three fun runs in the evening. I cannot imagine what the snowcat drivers think when they see me, headlamp on, charging up their runs. I don’t think this is a normal situation here. Anyways here I am with my suffer face on braving the winds…
Thanks William Blitz for your donation, don’t worry it won’t go towards super expensive hot springs!