Quickie up Mt-Mackenzie
We had a nice morning as a family, we went to the pool and then went to the doctor to get Aidan’s shots.
Then it was off to Mt-Mackenzie and a 6000 foot hike to the top. Its a great place to solo since you don’t have to worry about avalanche hazards, since it is all skied regularly by cat skiers. To the top of the peak I went and I was rewarded with fresh shots of the peak and some decent turns into cat skiing zone. A couple of quick laps brought me around to ten thousand and home.
This mountain is the future of our town and I can see and know the potential. Its over 6000 feet from top to bottom, how often does anyone ski 6000 feet continuously? I did today and my legs were burning halfway down. I can’t wait to see the gondola and lift access..
10 200 feet in 5 hours and 10 minutes. Sorry not to interesting but I didn’t have any time..