photo by Joey Vosburgh
I have never skied in Montana. When Brad enticed me down to do a slide show in Whitefish, I could not refuse. Firstly because it was to help the Glacier Avalanche Center with a fundraiser as well as inspire people to get educated and out there. I skied in the morning in Revy and drove to Kimberley. Around 11:30pm a deer ran onto the road, I could see that I had him beat, and he was not going to come over the hood, so I didn’t swerve much. But as I blew by him at 120 km/hr I watched as his head hit my sideview mirror and broke it off. Poor deer. My first deer kill ever, pity I couldn’t take the meat from her.
Anyhow I got to Whitefish, toured the hill the day before it opened and enjoyed some powder and then went and did my slide show.
Then on Saturday I went and toured with the locals. What a psyched and fit group of people. the nine of use did 6000 feet very efficiently. 6000 ft of great powder skiing, cold and settled powder. We were pumped. For my first tour in montana I was being rewarded with sun and powder. Wicked. I had to leave after summitting Tongue mt and skiing 3 wicked runs, they then went back for another run or two.
And now I am heading off to Chatter Creek with Arcteryx for the next four days. 26 days left of this mission, still lots of vert and an average of 7250 per day till the end. It won’t be easy but I won’t give up.
also check out a decent article in the Globe and Mail.
And a big thanks to Tony Girardin and Hans Bishop for their Donation.
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Great article Greg…the finish line is in sight!
Good Luck Greg will keep track of your progress
Great to hear so many awesome updates! You will totally pull this off, I can’t believe how close it is now. By some chance, if you ever plan to be in the near-abouts of LA, we have some money to spend and a good crowd here who would be stoked to see a slideshow and show you the local terrain. Cheers!
Glad to hear you had a good time on Montana. Good luck on the rest of the quest!
Keep going! Cheers from Europe!