
Mcgill again

Tracey and the kids were coming home today so I spent the morning getting the house clean and ready; then I headed up to the pass. The skiing has been so epic that I had to get back up to the pass and maximize my powder turns.

I parked at the Bostock parking lot and walked up the trail, luckily someone had broken trail for me and I had a great skin track to follow. Up and up. My skin track from two days ago was barely visible, probably 25 cm had fallen since then. The skin track was broken by a splitboarder and was a perfect highway winding up to the top of the ridge. I peeled my skins and charged down the gladed trees. What perfect skiing, deep and fast. Face shots whenever I wanted them or just fast aggressive skiing.

Rob, the splitboarder had broken the connector trail back in and I had no trail breaking to do today. I thought I should pay attention to the overall math for each lap. 1900 feet, 42 minutes of uphill hiking, 3 minutes of fantastic skiing and 5 minutes to de-skin, re-skin and snack. So in percentage I get 6% of downhill, 84% uphill and 10% to re energize. Pretty funny math but its worth it.

I can’t get over how great the skiing was, I wish I had brought my camera because I shared a lap with the two other guys and could have had a few shots to truly show how deep and fast the skiing was. Trust me it was great skiing, full on deep powder skiing.

10 400 feet in 5hrs 20 mins

  1. steve March 25, 2007 at 12:00 am

    Your killing me Greg…I think it had snowed twice this month in the Tetons…and melting fast….arrggghhh!!!

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