
Finally some sun and no wind

Which meant I could finally take the kids skiing and we would be able to enjoy ourselves.  There is potential at the hill but to pay 120$ for Tracey and me to take the kids skiing is not viable. But luckily they have a t-bar/poma lift at the bottom that costs 20 per adult. So we took Charley and Aiden skiing today. On our last day in Revelstoke Charley(4.7yrs) dropped the harness and started snowplowing her way down, and today she repeated this feat and did super well. Confidently carving her way down the little groomer, and most importantly really enjoying herself.  We also rode our first T-bar together.

And Aiden(3.5yrs) was doing well, laughing and enjoying himself. He still does not understand  the whole pizza wedge thing but he has fun and loves it so that’s all I can ask for.  It may be because the “treats” they enjoy while skiing.

Great times with kids and then at 3.45 pm I headed up and toured to the top of Volcan Nievo in 2hours and then pulled in another 2500 feet to tour 7500 ft. I can’t let up now.  Looking forward to a day off but not yet maybe tuesday. The sun sets at 6pm, and I had some great Alpen glow turns and then the stars were out for my final lap and they were gorgeous.

  1. sungirl8 January 2, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Those pictures are priceless! Love it!

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