Family time
The holidays always fill our lives with family. My Mom and Step-father have moved to town. They are both recently retired and here to spend some time skiing. So I have had a few days out with them and on one of their down days I went out alone with Tracey. We have been together 4.5 years and somehow never had a one on one ski date. SO we left the kids with the family and went out on a date. Tracey was pretty excited because she was trying out her new set up. She was on her new Goode 95 and loved their weight on the way up. She had a great time on the up but the bottomless snow on the down was a little tough for her. Still great to spend a day in the mountains with my fiancée.
Today was the only clear day in a week. So Dave and I wanted to get out and ski something. There has been a lot of new snow so Trail breaking was a little tough but we stuck to our guns and toured up little Sifton and then toured around behind SIfton proper. From there we toured to the summit and skied the line on the photo. I got some decent footage but no epic skiing since the chute was not very filled in. I love the aesthetic nature of chutes but I much prefer to ski alpine faces. To ski something where I am not confined by walls, but then again staring back up at our line I am psyched we skied it.