
Double Double

I am most definitely ready to go home. A double double is a coffee with two creams/two sugars and bought at Canada’s Tim Hortons. It’s my road drug, whenever I am driving long distances I always get a double double, a 12 inch blt, and an apple fritter. Quick effective and always tastes exactly the same regardless of where you buy it.

In the case of my blog, it means two double days in a row, 11260ft yesterday, 11270 ft today. Both double my daily average. I only have five remaining ski days left in SA before I head home. Looking at snow up north I should realistically stay here another week, and wait for some snow to start falling. But there is not a lot in me that really wants to do that. I would prefer to go home, see my kids, wife and friends, fall a week behind and then pound vertical in deep powder.  Enough of this corn skiing..

I passed the 1.6 mill or 80% mark today which is great. In the early part of this quest, a few hundred feet extra on a day seemed irrelevant with the size of the goal. Now that I am getting closer it feels like every extra hundred feet is worth it. When the bucket was empty each drop seemed pointless but now that it is filling each drop brings it that much closer.

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