Avalanche Hazard high once again
Yup once again this season the avalanche hazard has hit high. Up to 40 cm of new snow has fallen over the last two days accompanied with wind. So touring up Connaught we noticed huge winddrifts, and deep wind slab. The new snow also came in warm so its heavy and has a slab like quality to it.
We played it safe but still managed to trigger 6 smaller avalanches, (don’t worry Mom these were expected!). So its definitely on the tipping point right now. But overall this load should be good as it has shocked the snowpack and once it settles it should “bridge” over the deeper instabilities and allow for some great spring skiing.
All is well otherwise, just trucking along around 535 right now and getting all sorts of future plans set up. Working on where to live and ski in SA, and also organizing the St-Elias trip. So lots to dream about and set up.
More on that later, time to ski.