
neck deep

How’s the last thousands of feet feeling?

Well amazing since each descent is fantastic. but probable around 8 expletives per thousand feet up. Words that I will not write here keep escaping my mouth as I dig deep to head up that next pitch. The psych is great but its been a super long and huge hike, one that I want to be desperately done but also would like to go on indefinitely.

Every morning the first four thousand feet, the engine is super slow to get going.

But soon enough we are at the top of another wicked run and I am dropping in and dropping off whatever is in my way.

The turns today were so great. As a group we headed up to Avalanche crest, and lapped some shorter runs but then set up for the 3500 foot drop off avalanche. Dave, Joey, Shannon, Kirsten and Tommy. Tommy is up from Salt lake to help and document the last stretch of this mission and ideally to get some great turns in along the way.Today it was amazing. Easily 60 cm of light fluffy powder, which blew up and into your face on every turn.

We ripped down to the bottom and I convinced Dave and Joey to head back up for a repeat in the dark. At 5.30 we were back on the top and pointing our skis down and into the dark. Ultra headlamp on and we were off shredding to the valley floor.

9 grand today and 18 to go….

Photos courtesy of Tommy Chandler from

good times

A deep day of trail breaking made today arduous but the powder was exceptional. Dave,Jeff and I drove up the Laforme road and headed straight up into the hills. Initially we could not tell exactly where we where and we headed up until something made sense.  Eventually we figured out where we were, and we had a great 800 foot shot. Then toured to the top of April and skied a cool run call Chivas, which was 3000 feet of wicked turns, fast and epic. We headed back up for some more, 2400 ft  later and we had another wicked run waiting.  Shred time once again and we followed our sweet skin track back up to the top of April. At 5.15 pm headlamps on we shredded down to the valley floor.

Great powder, and fun times with the headlamps on.

10 200 ft of awesomeness, with 7800 ft of trail breaking…..

1019 runs

I was wondering how many runs I have taken so far this year and in 261 days I have averaged 7520 ft a day with 1019 runs total.

Exhausted. There is not a lot of ummmfff in my steps these days, I am still able to pull of big days but it is requiring many hours. 10770 ft today but it took close to 8 hours. Wicked skiing though, faceshots and power sluffing. Such a great way to finish off this mission.

Each day I am pushing the daylight hours and right now I am using a Petzl Ultra for the night skiing. It is so much fun, to get a faceshot and watch it get lit up by my headlamp. Pretty amazing really, shredding fast in the dark. Ok time for bed.  37 536 ft to go….

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